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    Paper bags - on paper and plastic packaging performance

    Paper and plastic packaging materials for pressure steam sterilization, ethylene oxide sterilization, low temperature steam formaldehyde sterilization.
    Sterilized items stored valid, subject to performance and quality of packaging materials, a variety of factors rigor, quality, sterilization, storage conditions, mode of transport, such as the number of hands touching sealing. Plain cotton and double open-type rigid containers, bacterial barrier limited at 25 ℃, 10 ~ 14 d, humid rainy season shorter. Paper and plastic packaging materials, bacterial barrier durable shelf life of up to six months or more. Central sterile supply many kinds of spare items and large quantities, but there are some very low frequency package (such as tracheotomy kits, endotracheal tube, phlebotomy packages, etc.), often due to frequent short validity sterilization. Using paper and plastic packaging materials not only extended to ensure the quality and safety of clinical use sterile package, but also greatly reduces the sterilization damaged goods, especially cloth, rubber goods adhesions and metal objects rust occurrence of loss rate, extending the life of the article.
    | Updated:2014.04.04    Source:    Clicks:38652

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